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Action hooks event types

Interface nameAPI nameDescription
Email channel events
SendsendEmail is sent to a recipient.
ReplyreplySubscriber's reply to received email.
Unique OpenuopenUnique email message opening.
OpenopenAny email opening.
Unique ClickuclickUnique email link click. It creates open and uopen events when open event is not captured.
ClickclickAny email link click.
ConfirmconfirmConfirmation link click in a regular message (creates click and uclick, if it is the first click for this message).
Confirm SubscriptionconfirmsubConfirmation link click in a double opt-in message.
UnsubscribeunsubRecipient opted out by clicking a message link {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe}.
ComplaincomplainA recipient complained or reported spam.
SoftBouncesbounceTemporary delivery problems provider message. Soft bounce.
HardBouncehbounceInvalid address or similar delivery problems message. Hard bounce.
SuppressionsuppressEmail was not sent: recipient address is in suppression list.
DelivereddelivEmail delivered to a recipient.
UndeliveredundelivEmail could not be delivered.
Read MessagereadMessage remained open for 8 seconds or longer.
Glanced MessageglancedMessage remained open for less than 4 seconds.
Skimmed MessageskimmedMessage remained open for 4 to 8 seconds.
Subscriber Profile Import Events
Manual Importimport_manualManual profile import via platform interface.
File Importimport_fileFrom file profile import via platform interface.
API Importimport_apiAPI profile import.
SMS channel events
Send SMSsend_smsSMS sent to a recipient.
Click SMSclick_smsAny SMS link click.
Unique Click SMSuclick_smsUnique SMS link click.
Delivered SMSdeliv_smsSMS delivered to a recipient.
Undelivered SMSundeliv_smsSMS could not be delivered.
Unsubscribe SMSunsub_smsRecipient opted out by clicking a message link {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe}.
Push channel events
Unique Open Pushuopen_pushUnique push open.
Open Pushopen_pushAny push open.
Send Pushsend_pushPush sent to a recipient.
Click Pushclick_pushAny push link click.
Unique Click Pushuclick_pushUnique push link click.
Delivered Pushdeliv_pushPush delivered to a recipient.
Undelivered Pushundeliv_pushPush could not be delivered to a recipient.
SoftBounce Pushsbounce_pushTemporary delivery failure (network issues, push service unavailability for any reason). This event means that the platform will continue attempting to deliver the message.
Hardbounce Pushhbounce_pushPermanent delivery failure (Invalid subscription id). After receiving such a response, the platform will not attempt to deliver the message again.
Custom (API) opt out
API unsubscribeunsub_apiAPI profile opt out.
Campaign launch
Campaign launchcampaign_launchCampaign launch. It has a custom hook message structure.
Campaign errors
General: Errorcamp_errorErrors that occurred during the campaign.
The events that are captured by Pixels in the external resources
Pixel Openpixel_openPixel script activation. You can find out more about the parameters of this request there.
Promo code events
Promocode Attachpromocode_attachThe subscriber is assigned a promotional code.
Promocode Detachpromocode_detachThe promo code is unlinked from the subscriber's profile.
Promocode Activatepromocode_activateThe promo code is activated.
Events related to the automatic creation of a static segment during import
Static Segment Addedsegs_addThe profile entered the static segment.
Static Segment Removedsegs_removeThe profile exited the static segment.
Events of merging multiple profiles or splitting one profile
Profile mergeprofile_mergeMultiple profiles are merged into a new or existing profile through an API request.
Profile splitprofile_splitA profile is divided into several new or existing profiles through an API request.
Telegram Bot events
Telegram bot sendtelegram_bot_sendMessage has been sent for delivery to a subscriber in a chat with a Telegram bot.
Telegram bot deliveredtelegram_bot_delivThe message has been delivered to a chat with a Telegram bot.
Telegram bot clicktelegram_bot_clickA non-unique click on a link in a message in a chat with a Telegram bot.
Telegram bot unique clicktelegram_bot_uclickA unique click on a link in a message.
Telegram bot undeliveredtelegram_bot_undelivThe message has not been delivered to a chat with a Telegram bot.
Telegram bot subscriptiontelegram_bot_subscribeA profile has subscribed to a bot by initiating a dialogue.
Telegram Group events
Telegram group sendtelegram_group_sendMessage has been sent for delivery to a subscriber in a chat with a Telegram bot.
Telegram group deliveredtelegram_group_delivMessage has been delivered in a Telegram group.
Telegram group clicktelegram_group_clickClick on the link in the message in a Telegram group.
Telegram group undeliveredtelegram_group_undelivMessage has not been delivered to a Telegram group.
WhatsApp events
WhatsApp sendwhatsapp_sendMessage has been sent for delivery to a subscriber in a WhatsApp chat.
WhatsApp delivwhatsapp_delivMessage has been delivered in a WhatsApp chat.
WhatsApp clickwhatsapp_clickA non-unique click on a link in a message in a chat.
WhatsApp unique clickwhatsapp_uclickA unique click on a link in a message.
WhatsApp undelivwhatsapp_undelivMessage has not been delivered in a WhatsApp chat.
WhatsApp readwhatsapp_readMessage has been read by a user.
WhatsApp subscriptionwhatsapp_subscribeProfile has been subscribed to a WhatsApp channel.
WhatsApp unsubscribewhatsapp_unsubProfile has been unsubscribed from a WhatsApp channel.
Viber events
Viber sendviber_sendMessage has been sent for delivery to a subscriber in a Viber chat.
Viber delivviber_delivMessage has been delivered in a Viber chat.
Viber clickviber_clickClick on a link in the message. If the recipient clicks on the same link multiple times, each click event is recorded.
Viber unique clickviber_uclickUnique click on a link in the message. If the recipient clicks on any link at least once, one unique click event is recorded.
Viber undelivviber_undelivMessage was rejected by Viber or Devino.Online.
Viber readviber_readMessage was read by the recipient.
Viber subscriptionviber_subscribeProfile subscribed to the Viber channel, i.e., agreed to receive messages from the business account.
Viber unsubscribeviber_unsubProfile unsubscribed from the Viber channel, i.e., blocked receiving messages from the business account.
Pop-up events
Popup: Postpopup_postThe popup form has been completed and submitted.

Popup: Click


Click on any popup element except the "Close" button.

Popup: Error


Any error in the popup.

Popup: Bounce


While submitting the popup form, technical problems occurred (for example, a server failure).

Popup: Close


Click on the "Close" button in the popup.

Popup: Open


he popup is shown to the user.

Popup: Custom


An event configured on the client side was registered.