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Goals and goal values registration


Records a goal achievement and optionally value for a customer profile.

Request URL

Method: POST

Request parameters

tokenstring"abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"YesAPI token
db_idint1YesDatabase ID
pixel_idint1YesPixel ID
goalstring"card"NoGoal name
goalsJSON array
[{"goal": "card", "value": 10.0}]
NoGoals list
valuefloat-25.5NoGoal value
datestring"2006-01-25T15:04:05+07:00"NoEvent date in RFC 3339 format
refererstring""NoOriginal request referer
user_agentstring"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G935S Build/MMB29K; wv)"NoOriginal request browser
accept_languagestring"fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5"NoOriginal request language
client_ipstring""NoOriginal request IP address
Profile matching mode


No, if matched by emailProfile matching mode
By default - email
emailstring""matching:"email"Email address
phonestring"+79000000000"matching:"phone"Phone number
profile_idstring"abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"matching:"profile_id"Profile ID
field_namestring"CRM_ID"matching:"custom"Custom profile data field name
field_valueint/string"123420"matching:"custom"Custom profile data field value.

Searching by combination of tags is available for tag type profile fields. Values are recorded as a string: "tag-1, tag-2".
Additional data
pixel_dataJSON object
NoA JSON object containing additional target event data.

The object must not contain nested objects or arrays. The object size is no larger than 1 KB.
skip_triggersboolfalseNoDisables triggers and scenarios set up for an event.

By default — false.
enrich_profilebooltrueNoThe event updates profile data.

By default — true.
is_testboolfalseNoTest event flag.

By default — false.
vendorstring"altcraft"NoProfile field _vendor at the time of the event
external_typestring"event_pixel_test"NoExternal identifier type
external_event_idstring"qwerty123"NoExternal identifier
altcraft_client_idstring"9f11d32d-2935-43d0-b8df-f4c3568095b2"NoAltcraft unique end-to-end identifier
browserstring"Chrome"NoClient browser

You can obtain a list of valid values through the request /v1.1/dictionary ("browsers")
osstring"Ubuntu"NoClient operating system

You can obtain a list of valid values through the request /v1.1/dictionary ("oses")
devicestring"Desktop"NoClient device type

You can obtain a list of valid values through the request /v1.1/dictionary ("devices")
utm_contentstring"utm_content"NoUTM params
net_ssidstring""NoClient network name
net_mac_addrstring"28:87:ba:c1:0d:5e"NoClient MAC address
net_gateway_ipv4string""NoClient gateway IPv4 address
net_gateway_ipv6string"::ff"NoClient gateway IPv6 address
client_ip_v4string""NoClient IPv4 address
client_ip_v6string"fe80::5215:5556:d75f:806b"NoClient IPv6 address
if lon is passed
Client latitude
if lat is passed
Client longitude
countrystring"RU"NoClient country (ISO code or full name)
regionstring"Ryazan"NoClient region
citystring"Ryazan"NoClient city
addressstring"Pochtovaya street"NoClient address
zipstring"390000"NoClient zip code
time_zonestring"Europe/Moscow"NoClient timezone
NoID of the sent message in the platform. Use the parameter to allow you to associate a pixel event with a specific campaign.
Data about orders in Market
endpoint_eidstring"example_endpoint"NoExternal contact point identifier.

If a specific profile base is selected for a pixel, then this base must match the sales channel base.
order_eidstring"12345"NoExternal order ID
if sku_eid is passed
External product ID
sku_eidstring"example_sku"NoExternal SKU ID. When this parameter is used, product_eid must also be passed in the request.
region_eidstring"region_eYFe2AE6s"NoExternal region ID
count_itemsint1NoQuantity of items in the order item
NoProduct categories or SKUs
Data on participation in loyalty programs
loyalty_idint5NoLoyalty program ID
promo_idstring"6285183c3f62fcd4ac5ed36d"NoAttached promo code ID

The maximum length of any string field is 128 characters.

Request examples

1 goal, no original request header data used:

"token": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"db_id": 1,
"goal": "card",
"pixel_id": 1,
"referer": "",
"value": -25.5,
"matching": "profile_id",
"profile_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"

2 goals, IP and referer from the original request head are used:

"token": "91f1dfa81c264a938b475677c60ce967",
"client_ip": "",
"db_id": 24,
"goals": [
"goal": "cart",
"value": 10.99
"goal": "two",
"value": -12.34
"pixel_id": 7,
"matching": "profile_id",
"profile_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"referer": ""

Example of a request to send additional information about an event:

"token": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"db_id": 24,
"goals": [
"goal": "cart",
"value": 10.99
"goal": "two",
"value": -12.34
"client_ip": "",
"pixel_id": 7,
"referer": "",
"accept_language": "fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36",
"matching": "profile_id",
"profile_id": "651516181a5c52f94532fb1d",
"pixel_data": {
"hello": "hi",
"arr": [
"int_val": 56893,
"bool_val": true,
"date_val": "2023-08-12"
"skip_triggers": false,
"enrich_profile": true,
"is_test": true,
"vendor": "altcraft",
"external_type": "event_pixel_test",
"external_event_id": "qwerty123",
"altcraft_client_id": "9f11d32d-2935-43d0-b8df-f4c3568095b2",
"browser": "Chrome",
"os": "Ubuntu",
"device": "Desktop",
"utm_content": "utm_content",
"utm_medium": "utm_medium",
"utm_source": "utm_source",
"utm_campaign": "utm_campaign",
"utm_term": "utm_term",
"client_ip_v4": "",
"client_ip_v6": "fe80::5215:5556:d75f:806b",
"net_ssid": "",
"net_mac_addr": "28:87:ba:c1:0d:5e",
"net_gateway_ipv4": "",
"net_gateway_ipv6": "::ff",
"loyalty_id": 5,
"promo_id": "6285183c3f62fcd4ac5ed36d",
"endpoint_eid": "online_store",
"order_eid": "12345",
"product_eid": "hd_450_bt_earphones",
"sku_eid": "hd_450bt_earphones_black",
"region_eid": "region_eYFe2AE6s",
"count_items": 1,
"categories": [
"lat": 55.244075,
"lon": 19.379932,
"country": "RU",
"region": "Ryazan",
"city": "Ryazan",
"address": "Pochtovaya street",
"zip": "390000",
"time_zone": "Europe/Moscow",
"send_message_id": "w4Wq877djSG1_2_a1_6t_2p_U_2_g.2UCSmxz7zFnuCfCMK_5KmKH9"

Response example

"error": 0,
"error_text": "Successful operation"

Response parameters

errorintError code
error_textstringError text