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Use Viber integration to automate communication with subscribers in the messaging app. By setting up this channel, you will be able to:

  • send personalized messages to subscribers in the app;
  • segment the audience based on user behavior;
  • use Viber channel to set up scenarios;
  • collect statistics and analyze the received data.

The integration can be implemented through the providers Devino Telecom or SMS Traffic. Before setting up the integration, you need to:

1. Register an account with any provider. 2. Create a connection in order to link your provider account with Altcraft Platform.


The cost of messages is determined by providers. Altcraft does not charge additional fees for sending messages to Viber.

Creating an integration

Go to the "Integrations" section and select the type of integration — Viber:

Choose your provider — Devino telecom or SMS Traffic:

Activate the integration using the toggle in the top right corner. Click "Add connection".

On the right, a window will appear, and you should choose the available connection from there:

I don't have any connections available

If you haven't set up a connection to Devino Telecom yet, you can create it directly in this window.

  1. Click on "Create".
  2. Enter the name and description for the connection.
  3. Enter the authentication details (there are two authorization methods for your Devino account: API key or login/password).
  4. Click "Check" to validate the entered information.
  5. If the provided data passes the validation, click the "Create" button in the lower right corner.

You can read more about creating a Viber-connection with Devino Telecom or SMSTraffic on our documentation portal.


If you use SMS Traffic as your provider, you have to send your Callback URL to tech support.

The information about the added connection will be displayed in the integrations. Ensure that the connection status is "active." Otherwise, check the status of your provider account. Keep in mind that the account may be blocked if the subscription fee is not paid.

If needed, you can add multiple accounts. To remove an account from the integration, click   .

Once you have successfully set up the integration, you can use it to add a Viber channel to a resource.