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Step-by-step welcome scenario guide


This guide will help you set up an automation scenario, managing interactions with new customers - from registration to first promotional mailings and purchases. We give you some basics on how to choose scenario nodes based on the situation at hand or resources used.

Welcome workflow is one of the classic marketing automation scenarios. You can implement it effectively with Altcraft Marketing.


Automation scenario basics are described in this article.

This page will provide you with information about scenario steps - nodes.

Step 1: Configure customer capturing mode

Customers will get engaged in the scenario when their subscriber profiles are created within the platform. Thus, capturing event depends on how you import your customers' data into the platform:

  • Any profile import - launches any time a new customer profile is created.

  • Manual profile import - launches when you create a customer profile manually

  • API profile import - launches when you import a profile via platforms' web API from your website or integration middleware (ETL)


Various customer data import and update options are described in this article.

This article describes scheduled customer profile import from an SQL storage.

API requests considering customer profiles are described in this section of API docs.

Let s select Any profile import as a capturing eventfor this example and set the No re-entering mode for this scenario – a greeting is a one-time event:

Step 2: Create an Email welcome campaign

Add the first node: click on "+ Element". In the menu select a node. You can choose Triggers, Operators, Channels, Actions. Please note that there must be at least one Triggers node to save the script.


Subscription resources for your audience are described in this article.

This section will tell you all you should know about message templates.

You can find a step-by-step Email campaign guide here.

Step 3: Set up a sequence for active recipients

After you send an Email welcome, a part of your customers will open, read it, click a link to the purchase page and make a deal. The percent of those who do is called your marketing conversion. Now, to increase welcome workflow conversion let us compose a Customer journey sequence. Various scenario nodes will help you a lot.

The first one here would be a Pause (3) - we will give our customers a day or two to open the message.

Then we will use a Condition (4) node to filter subscribers, who opened your welcome message and confirmed subscription. Instead of confirmation, you can use rules as "Email opened" or "Link clicked in Email", but in this example, we are using double opt-in.

Condition nodes use Altcraft Marketing segmentation rules. Here specifically we need action history rules.

These customers are likely to be interested in making a deal and it is a good practice to note this for the future. You can assign your subscribers bonus points, scoring them for various target actions starting with registration. Customer scoring is one of the gamification basics and can greatly increase conversion numbers.

Create a numeric field in the profile database. With the help of Update profile (5) node increase the loyalty field value by an affordable number. Place the node to the right of the condition – to the green sequence.

Next, you can give welcome promo codes to these clients (in case you use some of your products for engagement purposes) - and send them a promotion Email. Add nodes Promo code (6) and Message (7).


Promotion codes are managed by the loyalty programs module in Altcraft Platform. It is described in this section.

Step 4: Set up a sequence for not-so-active recipients

A part of your recipients can forget about it, fail to receive at all, postpone, etc. So it is a good idea to remind them about unfinished registration. The best channel for this reminder is SMS: a cellphone is always in your potential customer's pocket.

Although sending the same reminder more than once will probably not work too god, it's far better to use several different channels. In our example we will use two of them, sending an SMS first and then redirecting customer contact data to the company's managers or phone call operators. Further communication depends on the call results.

To implement both ways in one sequence, add Condition (8) down from node 4 for those who were sent an SMS reminder. Add a rule "SMS sent - exists":

To the right (green) of this sequence add an API call (9) node. Specify your call-centre or notifier network address and data to be sent. Contact your system administrators for such information.

Down from the condition (red) add Message (10) node. Create or import an SMS campaign.


You will find a guide on creating an SMS mailing list on this page

After the message add a Pause (11) the same as after the Email trigger. When the time is up, the customer is sent back to Condition (4) to recheck if the subscription is confirmed. Click the plus after the pause and select Add link. Then select the condition node. Note that you can have different node IDs.

Step 5: Activate and save the scenario

After you configure scenario settings and nodes, activate and save it.

A welcome sequence will be a great start for fruitful communication with your customers. In the scenario list, your workflow will appear as a tab with brief information and a quick actions menu on the right side. You can open an existing scenario by clicking its name.

Step 6: Analyze performance

You can use several platform tools to assess your scenario sequence efficiency.

The first one is built-in scenario statistics. Select a date range and get stats about profiles engaged in the scenario:

Active scenarios display brief statistics above nodes. Here is another way to organize the same sequence by the way:

The second is a summary report, providing detailed analytics about messaging within the scenario.