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Managing scenarios


Select Scenarios in the main menu to start work on them. Brief information and status are displayed in the list. Using the context menu, you can activate, stop, clone, or remove a scenario.

Click "Create" at the top part of the page to add a new scenario:


You can manage scenarios using API. Learn more.

The elements (steps) describes on this page.


Automation scenarios can be managed by API call. The info is available on this page.

To start working with customer interaction scenarios, select "Scenarios" in the main menu. The list displays brief information and the activity status of each scenario. Using the context menu, you can activate or stop a scenario, clone or delete it, and navigate to an analytical report.

To add a new scenario, click + Create at the top of the page.

General settings

Specify the scenario's title. In the "About" section, you can add a description, attach tags for quick searching, and assign access groups .

To show or hide the "About" section, use the button on the toolbar:

Profile re-entry mode into the scenario

Profile re-entry mode into the scenario determines the scenario's behavior when capturing the client's profile multiple times. Open the scenario settings using the button and choose one of the modes:

  • Disable reentry for the customer profile — in this case, the profile can only enter the scenario once. If the profile exits the scenario, it will be never captured again.

  • Disable reentry for already engaged customer profiles — If the profile is already in the scenario, it cannot be captured again. When the profile exits the scenario, it can be captured again.

  • Restart the scenario for customer on reentry — at the moment the profile is captured, it will go to the start, and it will go through the scenario again.

  • Process each profile entry in the scenario separately — no matter how many times the profile has been captured by scenario, it will be captured again when capturing event happens.

Other scenario settings:

  • Save profiles in the scenario that will wake up when it is activated.

If you deactivate the scenario, all profiles that have not exited it will be frozen. After reactivating the scenario, frozen profiles will continue through the scenario. By default, this option is disabled, meaning that after deactivating the scenario, all profiles will exit.

  • Clear all profiles in scenario

Delete all profiles currently in the scenario.

Configuring scenario launch

The condition for a profile entering the scenario is set in the starting element. By default, the starting element of any scenario is an API call. To change this setting, double-click on the element. The "Customer profile capture settings" window will open:

You can also open the settings window by adding any element from the "Triggers" category to the scenario:

The scenario is activated in two ways, depending on its purpose:

  • Event capture (individual scenario) — the profile enters the scenario after a certain event occurs.

  • Scheduled segment capture (scenario for a customer audience) — a group of profiles matching certain conditions enters the scenario according to a specified schedule.

Individual scenario (Customer Journey)

The first way is used for automating the customer journey of a single client as part of a business process. This scenario will track certain database profiles and capture subscribers who fit certain conditions. In addition, a customer can be captured by scenario when he initiates a special API call by his actions on the website or in the application.


The capture conditions are identical to the conditions for trigger campaigns. You will find a detailed description of each condition on this page.

Choose database and a capture condition suitable for your goals:

Scenario for customers audience

If you want to set automatic actions sequence for a certain profiles segment, select a profile database and click the "Scheduled segment capture":

Configuring scenario schedule


The campaigns schedule is detailed in this article.

Select the desired messaging plan and select the time for scenario launch. Also, you can select the "Deactivate schedule after that date" option or change the time zone for counting the start time. After changes will be made, the schedule will be displayed below:

Selecting the audience (segment)

In the next block, configure the segmentation query to the database selected in Capturing rules. You can use rules and rules groups for segmentation by profile data, actions history and other parameters. More details about segmentation are described in the relevant section of the documentation. Also, you can set the limit in percent for the selection you got.


A scenario by schedule runs in the same way as a regular campaign. A customer segment is calculated dynamically on every launch. Using these scenarios, you can organ0ze a sequence of communications for customers who are nearing the end of their service term. For example, the scenario below selects customers, who have two weeks left until the end of the term.

Scenario activation

To activate the scenario, click the button , and then save the scenario. Once activated, the scenario will start capturing profiles according to the specified conditions.

To stop the scenario, click the button and save the scenario. If the setting "Save in the scenario profiles that wake up when it is activated" is not enabled, all profiles currently in the scenario will exit it.

You can also activate and deactivate the scenario from the general list.

Scenario statistics

You can analyze the effectiveness of your scenarios directly in the scenario editor, while detailed statistics on campaigns used in the chain can be viewed through the channel report.

Client scenario completion statistics

The statistics panel is located at the bottom of the editor. This panel contains information on the completion of the scenario by profiles.

The statistics viewing is available in two modes:

— statistics of period

— statistics in real time

Statistics of period

Here you can view data on the scenario for a specific period of time:

— the total number of profiles entered into the scenario.

— the number of profiles that have completed the scenario.

— errors that occurred during the scenario execution.

By default, the panel displays data for the last 7 days. To change the period, enter the desired dates manually or select them from the calendar:

Statistics in real time

Here you can obtain information about the profiles currently in the scenario.

— the number of profiles that have entered the scenario but have not yet completed it.

If there are profiles currently in the scenario, you will see a number above the element they are in. The number indicates the count of profiles in that element. There can be multiple such elements. In most cases, these are waiting elements.

To obtain information about the profiles in the element, click on this number. A modal window will open, where you can:

  • navigate to the client's profile in the database.
  • find out the exact time when the profile will exit the element.
  • download a file with API content if the corresponding parameter was included in the API request.

Also, profile removal from the scenario is available. If you want to remove a specific profile from the scenario, click on the trash bin icon next to its name.

Campaign analytics in the scenario

To view a report on the campaigns launched by the scenario, open Analytics:

Use groupings and filters to display the data you need. For example, if you want to see statistics for campaigns involved in the scenario, the following setup will be suitable: