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Channel report


The channel report provides data on all events that are tracked in campaigns: sends, deliveries, opens, clicks, etc. You can get information either for one channel or for all of them at once. It is possible to group data according to various attributes, drill down into the report or use filters to get only the information you need. You can also compare metrics, for example, for different time periods or for different templates.

Get started by selecting AnalyticsChannels in the main menu.


The Altcraft platform allows an inaccuracy of 0.02% when generating reports.

Report settings

Channel report settings include:

  • grouping data,
  • adding filters
  • saving the report.

On the right you can see the following buttons:

— open a list of ready-made reports (system and saved);

— export the report in csv or xlsx formats;

— assign access groups.

Grouping data

By default, the report is built for all channels — Email, SMS, Push, Telegram, WhatsApp*, as well as custom ones. To get data for a specific channel, select it in the "Report by" field.

Next, set a period. You can set the date range in the calendar manually or choose one of the presets.

Select the attribute by which you want to group the data in the report. After that, you can detail the grouping by selecting the attributes one by one in the "in which to show" field. Grouping is possible up to three levels.

You will see the attributes for grouping in the window on the right. They are divided into three categories:

  • Date and time. Group data by hours, days, weeks, months, quarters and years.

  • Channel. Group by platform objects (resources, scenarios, campaigns, segments, etc.).

  • Event. Group by link, domain, domain group, or provider.

Adding filters

Filters are useful when you need to view data for specific days, campaigns, templates, etc. Using filters, you can remove data from the report that does not meet certain conditions. Filter categories are the same as grouping categories:

Date and time

Available filters:

  • Hours (24)
  • Days
  • Weekdays
  • Weeks
  • Month
  • Quarters
  • Quarters by years
  • Years

Use these filters to add or exclude data for a certain period of time from the report. Such filters are convenient to view statistics for certain days, or to remove statistics for holidays and weekends from the report. You can also exclude data collected during a period when there was technical work on your side and campaigns were not sent.


Available filters:

  • Channels — the filter is used to display data for a specific channel, if the report was built for all channels.

  • Resources — statistics on all campaigns launched within the resource.

  • Workflows — statistics on all campaigns launched as part of an automation scenario.

  • Campaigns — statistics for specific campaigns.

  • Databases — statistics on campaigns whose recipients are included in the selected database.

  • Segments — statistics on campaigns whose recipients are included in the selected segments.

  • Templates — statistics on all campaigns that use the selected templates.

  • Senders — virtual senders.


The campaign filter will help you get data only for a certain type of campaign. For example, if you want to analyze the performance of trigger campaigns, select the appropriate campaigns from the list. To search for the desired campaigns, you can enter their name or id in the search bar or specify tags.

To see the metrics for campaigns with a specific tag, switch Select some to Select by tag. This option is provided for any object in the "Channel" category.


Available filters:

  • Vendors — add or exclude campaign statistics depending on the value of the Vendor field in the profile.

  • Domain groups — data on emails sent to a certain domain group (Gmail, Hotmail, Yandex)

  • Domains — data on emails sent to a specific domain (,,, etc.)

  • Links — campaign events associated with specific links in the template. Links are selected by the name attribute.


In case of deliverability issues, you can view data for each ISP by setting up a filter by domain group.

If you don't want the report to include the data of recipients who have your corporate email, select the filter by domain, enter the corporate domain and exclude it.

Сlick "Add filter" to filter the data. In the window on the right, you can choose which data to include in the report.

If you need to remove some data from the report, click on the "Exclude" switch in the upper right corner.

After setting the filter, click "Apply" at the bottom of the page.

The added filters will be displayed in the report. There is no limit to the number of filters you can use. Click     to remove the filter.

Saving a report

You can save the current report settings. To do this, edit the name of the report (the default is "All Channels") and click the "Save" button. This is useful if you frequently query data using the same groupings and filters.

The saved report will be available to all users within group visibility.

Click     to open the list of reports. In a new window you will find default (system) and saved reports. Click on the name of the report to view it.

To delete a saved report, click    . However, you cannot delete the report that you are currently viewing.

Viewing a report

The report includes a table with data and a corresponding diagram. The chart can be collapsed by clicking on the "Hide diagram" button.


The chart displays data based on grouping. When the report is grouped by days, weeks and quarters, the diagram shows the dynamics of changes in the metrics for the selected period:

When grouped by hour, day of the week, month, year, or channel and event, the chart shows the ratio of quantitative or percentage metrics in the selected period:

When you hover over the chart, you can see the exact figures.

The header contains the metrics displayed on the chart. Any column of the table can be displayed on the diagram, but the maximum number of indicators is 7. Click the metric to hide it.

Data table

The table contains quantitative and percentage metrics of campaigns (sends, deliveries, clicks, unsubscribes, complaints, etc.). Description of metrics can be found below.

Metrics are grouped based on the report settings. Depending on the details of the grouping, the table structure may have nested elements.

For example, if you set "Group by days, in which to to show Resources, in which to show Campaigns", the table will display the following data:

To add a new metric to the table, hover over the column name and click   . Select a metric from the list. If you want to remove a column, click   .

To move a column to another part of the table, you need to hover over the column name, hold down the left mouse button and drag the column to the desired position.

Other options:

— switch quantitative metrics to percentages;

— display a column on a diagram.

Comparing data

The comparison mode allows you to see data on several objects at the same time. For example, you can compare the performance of two templates or evaluate the change in campaign metrics from period to period.

To switch to the comparison mode, select the objects in the table that you want to compare. Click "Compare". It is possible to compare objects at different nesting levels.

The comparison mode also contains a chart and a table with metrics. In the diagram, the metrics for each object are grouped together.

The first object in the table is the comparison column. Other objects are compared with this object. The percentage increase or decrease of the metric is calculated relative to this object. To change the comparison column, click     and select a different object.

To go back to the general mode, click ← Comparison mode.

Report metrics

Unique event

The uniqueness of any event is limited by the time specified in the platform configuration (UNIQUE_ACTIONS_TTL_MIN parameter). By default it is 1440 minutes. It means that a repeated event in a day will be counted as unique again. Check with your platform administrator for the uniqueness value set.

All indicators of unique events are marked in the table.

All metrics

SendAllThe total number of messages sent through all channels.
UndeliveredAllThe total number of messages sent but not delivered through all channels. It consists of Hardbounced and Softbounced messages and messages which are not delivered due to undefined reason.
Undelivery rateAllThe percentage of undelivered messages through all channels.
DeliveredAllThe total number of delivered messages through all channels.
Delivery rateAllThe percentage of messages delivered through all channels.
The number of open messages.

If the same profile opens a message multiple times, each open is counted.
Uniq. openedEmail
The total number of unique message opens through all channels.

If the same profile opens a message multiple times, only one open is counted.
Open rateEmail
The percentage of profiles who opened the email or push.

(Uniq. opened / Delivered ) * 100%
RepliedEmailThe number of replies to an email.
The number of emails read.

An event is logged if the recipient opens the message and views it for at least 8 seconds.
Uniq. readEmailThe number of unique reads of an email.
Read rateEmailThe number of unique reads of an email.

(Uniq. read / Delivered) * 100%
GlancedEmailAn event is logged if the recipient opens the email and views it for less than 4 seconds.
SkimmedEmailThe event is logged if the recipient views the message for 4 to 8 seconds.
Content clickedAllThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedAll, but
Telegram Group
If the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one click on the content is counted.
Link clickedEmailThe number of clicks on links in the message.
Uniq. link clickedEmail
Telegram Bot
The total number of unique clicks on links in messages.
Content CTRAll
but Telegram Group
The percentage of clicks in any part of the message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%
Content CTOREmail
The percentage of clicks in any part of the message out of the number of opens.

(Uniq. content clicked / Uniq. opened) * 100%
Link CTREmail
Telegram Bot
The percentage of clicks on a link within a message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%
Link CTOREmailThe percentage of clicks on a link within a message out of the number of opens.

(Uniq. link clicked / Uniq. opened) * 100%
Camp. errorsAllProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsAllProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
SuppressedAllThe number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's email address or phone number has previously been included in the suppression list.
Policy offencedAllThe number of violations of the sending policy.
SoftbouncedEmailThe number of emails not delivered due to the inbox being full or the recipient's mail server being temporarily unavailable.
Softbounce rateEmailThe percentage of emails not delivered due to the inbox being full or the recipient's mail server being temporarily unavailable.
The number of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid email address, phone number, or push subscription ID.
Hardbounce rateEmail
The percentage of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid email address, phone number, or push subscription ID.
The number of messages marked as spam by recipients.
Complains rateEmailThe percentage of messages marked as spam by profiles.

(Complained / Delivered)*100
but Telegram Group
The number of subscriptions to resources in any channel.
The number of unsubscribes from resources, i.e. clicks on the unsubscribe link in the message.
Uniq. unsubscribedEmail
The percentage of unique unsubscribes from resources.
Unsub to deliv rateEmail
(Unsubscribed / Delivered) * 100%
Unsub to open rateEmail
(Unsubscribed / Opened) * 100%
Undefined-Unable to determine reason for non-delivery.

Email channel

SendThe number of sent email messages.
UndeliveredThe number of undelivered email messages. It consists of Hardbounced and Softbounced messages and messages which are not delivered due to undefined reason.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered email messages.
DeliveredThe number of delivered email messages.
Delivery rateThe percentage of delivered email messages.

The number of opened email messages.
If the same profile opens an email message multiple times, each open is counted.

Uniq. opened

The number of unique email message openings.

If the same profile opens a message multiple times, only one open is counted.

Open rate

The percentage of recipients who opened the email.

(Uniq. opened / Delivered ) * 100%

RepliedThe number of replies to an email.

The number of emails read.

An event is logged if the recipient opens the message and views it for at least 8 seconds.

Uniq. readThe number of unique reads of an email.
Read rate

The number of unique reads of an email.

(Uniq. read / Delivered) * 100%


An event is logged if the recipient opens the email and views it for less than 4 seconds.

SkimmedThe event is logged if the recipient views the message for 4 to 8 seconds.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one unique content click is counted.
Link clicked

The number of clicks on links in the message. A click on the unsubscribe link and on the link to the web version of the letter {webversion} is not counted as a click on the link.

Uniq. link clicked

The total number of unique clicks on links in email messages. If the recipient clicks on two different links in the email, 2 unique clicks on the link will be counted.

Content CTR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the message relative the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Content CTOR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the message relative the number of opens.

(Uniq. content clicked / Uniq. opened) * 100%

Link CTR

The percentage of clicks on a link within a message relative to the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%


The percentage of clicks on a link within a message relative to the number of opens.

(Uniq. link clicked / Uniq. opened) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.

The number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's email address was included in the suppression list.

Policy offenced

The number of violations of the sending policy.


The number of emails not delivered due to the inbox being full or the recipient's mail server being temporarily unavailable.

Softbounce rate

The percentage of emails not delivered due to the inbox being full or the recipient's mail server being temporarily unavailable.

HardbouncedThe number of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid email address.
Hardbounce rateThe percentage of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid email address.
ComplainedThe number of messages marked as spam by recipients.
Complains rate

The percentage of messages marked as spam by recipients.

(Complained / Delivered) * 100

SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to the email channel in resources.

The number of unsubscribes from resources, i.e. clicks on the unsubscribe link in the email message.

Uniq. unsubscribedThe percentage of unique unsubscribes from resources.
Unsub to deliv rate(Unsubscribed / Delivered) * 100%
Unsub to open rate(Unsubscribed / Opened) * 100%
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery.

SMS channel

SendThe total number of sent SMS messages.
UndeliveredThe number of undelivered SMS messages.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered SMS messages.
DeliveredThe total number of delivered SMS messages.
Delivery rateThe percentage of delivered SMS messages.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the SMS message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one unique content click is counted.
Content CTR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the SMS message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
SuppressedThe number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's email address or phone number has previously been included in the suppression list.
Policy offenced

The number of violations of the sending policy.

HardbouncedThe number of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid phone number
Hardbounce rateThe percentage of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid phone number.
ComplainedThe number of messages marked as spam by recipients.
SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to the SMS channel in resources.

The number of unsubscribes from resources, i.e. clicks on the unsubscribe link in the SMS message.

Uniq. unsubscribedThe percentage of unique unsubscribes from resources.
Unsub to deliv rate(Unsubscribed / Delivered) * 100%
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

Push channel

SendThe number of sent push notifications.
UndeliveredThe number of undelivered push notifications.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered push notifications.
DeliveredThe number of delivered push notifications.
Delivery rateThe percentage of delivered push notifications.

The number of opened push notifications.

If the same profile opens of push notification multiple times, each open is counted.

Uniq. opened

The number of delivered push notifications openings.

If the same profile opens an notifications multiple times, only one open is counted.

Open rate

The percentage of recipients who opened the push.

(Uniq. opened / Delivered ) * 100%

Content clickedThe number of clicks in the push notification (inluding links and buttons). The event is registered only if the link is wrapped in the tracking domain.
Uniq. content clicked

If the same profile clicks the push notification multiple times, only one unique content click is counted.

Content CTR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the push notification relative the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Content CTOR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the push notification relative the number of opens.

(Uniq. content clicked / Uniq. opened) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Policy offenced

The number of violations of the sending policy.


The number of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid push subscription ID.

Hardbounce rate

The percentage of messages that were not delivered due to an invalid push subscription ID.

ComplainedThe number of messages marked as spam by recipients.
SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to the Push channel in resources.

The number of unsubscribes from resources, i.e. clicks on the unsubscribe link in the message.

Uniq. unsubscribedThe percentage of unique unsubscribes from resources.
Unsub to deliv rate(Unsubscribed / Delivered) * 100%
Unsub to open rate(Unsubscribed / Opened) * 100%
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

Telegram Bot channel

SendThe number of messages sent through in the Telegram bot.
UndeliveredThe number of messages sent but not delivered in the Telegram bot.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered messages in the Telegram bot.
DeliveredThe number of delivered messages in the Telegram bot.
Delivery rateThe percentage of messages delivered in the Telegram bot.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one unique content click is counted.
Uniq. link clickedThe number of unique clicks on links in messages.
Content CTR

The percentage of clicks on any part of the message relative the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Link CTR

The percentage of clicks on a link within a message relative to the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Policy offencedThe number of violations of the sending policy.
SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to resources in the Telegram bot.
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

Telegram Group channel

SendThe number of messages sent to the Telegram group.
UndeliveredThe number of undelivered messages in the Telegram group.
Undelivery ratePercentage of undelivered messages to the Telegram group.
DeliveredThe number of messages delivered to the Telegram group.
Delivery ratePercentage of messages delivered to the Telegram group.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Policy offencedThe number of violations of the sending policy.
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

WhatsApp channel

SendNumber of messages sent on WhatsApp*.
UndeliveredNumber of undelivered WhatsApp* messages.
Undelivery ratePercentage of undelivered messages on WhatsApp*.
DeliveredNumber of messages delivered on WhatsApp*.
Delivery ratePercentage of messages delivered on WhatsApp*.
ReadThe number of messages read by the user.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one click on the content is counted.
Uniq. link clickedThe total number of unique clicks on links in messages.
Content CTR

The percentage of clicks in any part of the message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Link CTR

The percentage of clicks on a link within a message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.

The number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's phone number has previously been included in the suppression list.

Policy offenced

The number of violations of the sending policy.

SubscribedThe profile subscribed to the WhatsApp* channel.
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

Viber channel

SendThe total number of messages sent through on Viber.
UndeliveredThe total number of messages sent but not delivered on Viber.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered on Viber messages.
DeliveredThe total number of delivered messages on Viber.
Delivery rateThe percentage of messages delivered on Viber.
ReadThe number of messages read by the user.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one click on the content is counted.
Uniq. link clickedThe number of unique clicks on links in messages.
Content CTR

The percentage of clicks in any part of the message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Link CTR

The percentage of clicks on a link within a message out of the number of delivered messages.

(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%

Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
SuppressedThe number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's email address or phone number has previously been included in the suppression list.
Policy offencedThe number of violations of the sending policy.
SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to resources in the channel.
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

Notify channel

SendThe total number of messages sent through Notify.
UndeliveredThe total number of messages sent but not delivered on Notify.
Undelivery rateThe percentage of undelivered on Notify messages.
Delivered The total number of delivered messages on Notify.
Delivery rateThe percentage of messages delivered on Notify.
ReadThe number of messages read by the user.
Content clickedThe number of clicks in any part of the message, including clicks on links.
Uniq. content clickedIf the same profile clicks on any part of the message multiple times, only one click on the content is counted.
Uniq. link clickedThe number of unique clicks on links in messages.
Content CTRThe percentage of clicks in any part of the message out of the number of delivered messages
(Uniq. content clicked / Delivered) * 100%
Link CTRThe percentage of clicks on a link within a message out of the number of delivered messages.
(Uniq. link clicked / Delivered) * 100%
Camp. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
Deliv. errorsProblems with message template generation. It occurs when a profile does not have a subscription to the resource selected in the campaign.
SuppressedThe number of messages that were not sent because the recipient's email address or phone number has previously been included in the suppression list.
Policy offencedThe number of violations of the sending policy.
SubscribedThe number of subscriptions to resources in the channel.
UnsubscribedThe number of unsubscribes from resources, i.e. clicks on the unsubscribe link in the message.
UndefinedUnable to determine reason for non-delivery (unknown network error).

*The Meta organization, which owns Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp products, has been declared as extremist and banned in Russia.