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last_update: date: Sep 4, 2024 sidebar_position: 10 description: "Read about the latest updates to the Altcraft Platform: Firebase push notifications fixes and other improvments." isDescriptionShown: false

v2024. - Firebase push fixes

Major changes

  • Fixed errors occurring when sending push notifications using Google Firebase.

Minor changes

  • Added option to disable deleting link data from ClickHouse.
  • Now the value of "Lock double trigger activation" in pixel settings cannot be lower than one.

Interface improvements

  • Fixed display of filters on mobile version.
  • Improved appearance of “Upload Photo” button in profiles.
  • Improved appearance of the line break button in the template editor.
  • Fixed layout errors in some Market elements.


  • Fixed a bug where links in push notifications did not work.
  • Database IDs are now displayed correctly when launching test campaigns.
  • Fixed some vulnerabilities in the platform.
  • The "Capture profiles when changing an order" scenario element now works correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where uploading 0-day history would result in uploading 1-day history.
  • Market variables now work correctly in the push and Viber template editor.
  • Fixed an error occurring when trying to send rich push notifications to profiles that don't have fields used in these notifications.
  • The campaigns/triggers/import_and_start/ method now works with the unconditional send flag.
  • Fixed panic in webcontrol.

References: PL-16637 PL-16634 PL-15610 PL-16179 PL-16146 PL-16625 PL-16620 PL-16150 PL-16619 PL-14996 PL-16469 PL-16611 PL-16598 PL-14729 PL-16586 PL-16135 PL-16483 PL-16473 PL-16030 PL-14749