Summary report metrics
Channel | Indicator | API name | Description | Formula |
All | Sends | sends_total | Total number of sent messages in all the channels | sends + sends_push + sends_sms |
All | Deliveries | delivs_total | Total number of delivered messages in all the channels | delivs + delivs_push + delivs_sms |
All | Unique clicks | uclicks_total | Total number of unique clicks in messages in all the channels | sends + sends_push + sends_sms |
All | Unique opens | uopens_total | Total number of unique opened messages in all the channels | uopens + uopens_push |
All | Undeliveries | undelivs_total | Total number of unique undelivered messages in all channels | undelivs + undelivs_sms + undelivs_push |
All | Offence | offence | Number of communications policy violations | — |
Email sends | sends | Number of sent emails | — | |
Email deliveries | delivs | Number of delivered emails | — | |
Email opens | opens | Number of opened emails | — | |
Email clicks | clicks | Number of clicks in emails | — | |
Unique email opens | uopens | Number of unique email opening | — | |
Unique email clicks | uclicks | Number of unique clicks on any clickable item of the email | — | |
Unique email link clicks | ulclicks | Uniqueclick on each link of each email by the same profile | — | |
Email reads | reads | Number of read emails. Email read event is logged if the recipient has opened the message and left it open for at least 12 seconds. | — | |
Email replies | replies | Number of emailreplies | — | |
Email complaint | complains | Number of emails followed by spam complaints (FBL) | — | |
Email hard bounces | hbounces | Number of emails that have failed to deliver because of recipient'sinvalid address or a sudden mistake during the process of sending | — | |
Email soft bounces | sbounces | Number of emails that has failed to deliver because the mailbox is full or the server is temporarily down | — | |
Confirms | confirms | Number of confirmed emails | — | |
Email unsubscribe | unsubs | Number of unsubscribers. Recipient opted out by clicking a message link ( {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe} ). | — | |
Suppression list | suppresses | Number of emails that hasn't been delivered because the recipient's address is in the suppression list | — | |
Email undeliveries | undelivs | Number of undelivered emails. It consists of soft and hard bounces and undefined delivery errors | — | |
% Email delivery rate | delivery_rate | The percentage of the emails that are successfullydelivered | (delivs / sends) * 100 | |
% Email open rate | u_open_rate | The percentage of the recipients who opened an email | ( uopens / delivs) * 100 | |
% Email CTR | u_click_rate | The percentage of unique recipients who clicked on a link after receiving the email | (ulclicks / delivs) * 100 | |
% Email CTOR | u_open_click_rate | The percentage of unique recipients who clicked on a link after opening the email | (ulclicks / uopens ) * 100 | |
% Email read rate | email_read_rate | The percentage of recipients who read the email, i.e. those who opened the email and did not close it for at least 12 seconds. | ( reads / delivs) * 100 | |
% Email reply rate | email_reply_rate | The percentage of the recipients who replied to an email | ( replies / delivs) * 100 | |
% Email complaint rate | complain_rate | The percentage of the emails that are followed by spamcomplaints | (complains / delivs) * 100 | |
% Email hard bounce rate | hb_rate | The percentage of emails that have failed to deliver because of recipient'sinvalid address or a sudden mistake during the process of sending | (hbounces / sends) * 100 | |
% Email soft bounce rate | sb_rate | The percentage of emails that has failed to deliver because the mailbox is full or the server is temporarily down | (sbounces / sends) * 100 | |
% Email unsubscribe rate | email_unsub_rate | The percentage of people who unsubscribed from emails | ( unsubs / delivs) * 100 | |
SMS | SMS sends | sends_sms | The number of sent SMS | — |
SMS | SMS deliveries | delivs_sms | The number of delivered SMS | — |
SMS | SMS clicks | clicks_sms | The number of clicks in SMS | — |
SMS | Unique SMS clicks | uclicks_sms | The number of unique clicks in SMS | — |
SMS | % SMS delivery rate | sms_deliv_rate | The percentage of SMS that has been successfully delivered | ( delivs_sms / sends_sms ) * 100 |
SMS | SMS undeliveries | undelivs_sms | The number of undelivered SMS | — |
SMS | % SMS click-though rate | sms_ctr | The percentage of unique clicks in the SMS in relation to the total number of delivered SMS | (uclicks_sms / delivs_sms) * 100 |
SMS | SMS unsubscribes | unsubs_sms | Number of unsubscribers. Recipient opted out by clicking a message link {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe} . | — |
Push | Push sends | sends_push | The number of sent push notifications | — |
Push | Push opens | opens_push | The number of opened push notifications | — |
Push | Unique push opens | uopens_push | The number of opened push notifications |