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Summary report metrics

ChannelIndicatorAPI nameDescriptionFormula
AllSendssends_totalTotal number of sent messages in all the channelssends + sends_push + sends_sms
AllDeliveriesdelivs_totalTotal number of delivered messages in all the channelsdelivs + delivs_push + delivs_sms
AllUnique clicksuclicks_totalTotal number of unique clicks in messages in all the channelssends + sends_push + sends_sms
AllUnique opensuopens_totalTotal number of unique opened messages in all the channelsuopens + uopens_push
AllUndeliveriesundelivs_totalTotal number of unique undelivered messages in all channelsundelivs + undelivs_sms + undelivs_push
AllOffenceoffenceNumber of communications policy violations
EmailEmail sendssendsNumber of sent emails
EmailEmail deliveriesdelivsNumber of delivered emails
EmailEmail opensopensNumber of opened emails
EmailEmail clicksclicksNumber of clicks in emails
EmailUnique email opensuopensNumber of unique email opening
EmailUnique email clicksuclicksNumber of unique clicks on any clickable item of the email
EmailUnique email link clicksulclicksUniqueclick on each link of each email by the same profile
EmailEmail readsreadsNumber of read emails.
Email read event is logged if the recipient has opened the message and left it open for at least 12 seconds.
EmailEmail repliesrepliesNumber of emailreplies
EmailEmail complaintcomplainsNumber of emails followed by spam complaints (FBL)
EmailEmail hard bounceshbouncesNumber of emails that have failed to deliver because of recipient'sinvalid address or a sudden mistake during the process of sending
EmailEmail soft bouncessbouncesNumber of emails that has failed to deliver because the mailbox is full or the server is temporarily down
EmailConfirmsconfirmsNumber of confirmed emails
EmailEmail unsubscribeunsubsNumber of unsubscribers. Recipient opted out by clicking a message link ( {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe} ).
EmailSuppression listsuppressesNumber of emails that hasn't been delivered because the recipient's address is in the suppression list
EmailEmail undeliveriesundelivsNumber of undelivered emails. It consists of soft and hard bounces and undefined delivery errors
Email% Email delivery ratedelivery_rateThe percentage of the emails that are successfullydelivered(delivs / sends) * 100
Email% Email open rateu_open_rateThe percentage of the recipients who opened an email( uopens / delivs) * 100
Email% Email CTRu_click_rateThe percentage of unique recipients who clicked on a link after receiving the email(ulclicks / delivs) * 100
Email% Email CTORu_open_click_rateThe percentage of unique recipients who clicked on a link after opening the email(ulclicks / uopens ) * 100
Email% Email read rateemail_read_rateThe percentage of recipients who read the email, i.e. those who opened the email and did not close it for at least 12 seconds.( reads / delivs) * 100
Email% Email reply rateemail_reply_rateThe percentage of the recipients who replied to an email( replies / delivs) * 100
Email% Email complaint ratecomplain_rateThe percentage of the emails that are followed by spamcomplaints(complains / delivs) * 100
Email% Email hard bounce ratehb_rateThe percentage of emails that have failed to deliver because of recipient'sinvalid address or a sudden mistake during the process of sending(hbounces / sends) * 100
Email% Email soft bounce ratesb_rateThe percentage of emails that has failed to deliver because the mailbox is full or the server is temporarily down(sbounces / sends) * 100
Email% Email unsubscribe rateemail_unsub_rateThe percentage of people who unsubscribed from emails( unsubs / delivs) * 100
SMSSMS sendssends_smsThe number of sent SMS
SMSSMS deliveriesdelivs_smsThe number of delivered SMS
SMSSMS clicksclicks_smsThe number of clicks in SMS
SMSUnique SMS clicksuclicks_smsThe number of unique clicks in SMS
SMS% SMS delivery ratesms_deliv_rateThe percentage of SMS that has been successfully delivered( delivs_sms / sends_sms ) * 100
SMSSMS undeliveries
undelivs_smsThe number of undelivered SMS
SMS% SMS click-though ratesms_ctrThe percentage of unique clicks in the SMS in relation to the total number of delivered SMS(uclicks_sms / delivs_sms) * 100
SMS unsubscribes
unsubs_smsNumber of unsubscribers. Recipient opted out by clicking a message link {unsubscribe} or {globalunsubscribe}.
PushPush sendssends_pushThe number of sent push notifications
PushPush opensopens_pushThe number of opened push notifications
PushUnique push opensuopens_pushThe number of opened push notifications
PushPush deliveriesdelivs_pushThe number of delivered push notifications
PushPush undeliveriesundelivs_pushThe number of undelivered push notifications
PushPush clicksclicks_pushThe number of clicks on any clickable element of the push notification
PushUniquepush clicksuclicks_pushThe number of clicks on any clickable element of the push notification
Push% Push open ratepush_open_rateThe percentage of opened push notifications
( uopens_push / delivs_push) * 100
Push% Push send ratepush_deliv_rateThe percentage of push notifications that has been successfully delivered( delivs_push / sends_push ) * 100
Push% Push click-though ratepush_ctrThe percentage of clicks in the push notification in relation to the push openings(uclicks_push / uopens_push) * 100
WhatsApp*Deliveredwhatsapp_delivNumber of messages delivered via WhatsApp*
WhatsApp*undeliveredwhatsapp_undelivNumber of messages send via WhatsApp*
WhatsApp*Sendwhatsapp_sendNumber of messages send via WhatsApp*
WhatsApp*WhatsApp* subscriptionwhatsapp_subscribeThe number of new subscriptions to the WhatsApp* channel

Unique event

The uniqueness of any event is limited by the time specified in the platform configuration (UNIQUE_ACTIONS_TTL_MIN parameter). By default it is 1440 minutes. It means that a repeated event in a day will be counted as unique again. Check with your platform administrator for the uniqueness value set.

All indicators of unique events are marked in the table.

*The Meta organization, which owns Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp products, has been declared as extremist and banned in Russia.