Import multiple profiles
Adds or updates multiple profiles to or in a database.
Request URL
Method: POST
Request parameters
- For JSON body use the following header: Content-Type: application/json.
- For XML body use the following header: Content-Type: application/xml.
Parameter | Type | Example | Required | Description |
token | string | "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz" | Yes | API token |
data | JSON array |
| Yes | Profile fields data |
db_id | int | 1 | Yes | Database ID |
skip_invalid_subscriptions | bool | true | No | Skip invalid subscriptions. By default – false |
skip_triggers | bool | true | No | Skip trigger events. By default – false |
detect_geo | bool | true | No | Detect location by _regip or _ip from data object |
Profile matching mode | ||||
matching | string | "email" "email_profile" "email_sub" "phone" "phone_sub" "profile_id" "push_sub" "custom" "custom_sub" "email_phone" "email_phone_sub" | No, if matched by email | Profile matching mode By default - email For each type of matching, certain fields must be passed in the request body. Learn more about these fields here. |
string | "" | "matching":"email" | Email address | |
phone | string | "+79000000000" | "matching":"phone" | Phone number |
profile_id | string | "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz" | "matching":"profile_id" | Profile ID |
field_name | string | "CRM_ID" | "matching":"custom" | Custom profile field name |
field_value | int/string | "123420" | "matching":"custom" | Custom field value. tip Searching by combination of tags is available for tag type profile fields. Values are recorded as a string: "tag-1, tag-2". |
resource_id | int | 24 | No | Resource ID for email and phone matching |
Subscriptions array
The subscriptions
array stores data about the profile's subscriptions to resources. One object is one subscription.
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
resource_id | int | 1 | Resource ID |
status | string | "subscribed" | Subscription status |
priority | int | 1 | Subscription priority |
custom_fields | object | { | System and custom subscription fields. You can get information about available subscription fields in a resource using the /v1.1/resources/fields_get method |
cats | array | [ | Resource categories to which to subscribe the profile. |
Email channel | |||
channel | string | "email" | Channel type |
string | "" | ||
SMS channel | |||
channel | string | "sms" | Channel type |
phone | string | "+79000000000" | Phone number |
Push channel | |||
channel | string | "push" | Channel type |
provider | string | "Firefox" | Provider type |
subscription_id | string | "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz" | Subscription ID |
Telegram Bot channel | |||
channel | string | "telegram_bot" | Channel type |
cc_data | object | { | Telegram Bot chat ID |
WhatsApp* channel | |||
channel | string | "whatsapp" | Channel type |
cc_data | object | { | Profile phone number on WhatsApp* |
Viber channel | |||
channel | string | "viber" | Channel type |
cc_data | object | { | Profile phone number on Viber |
Request example
"token": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"db_id": 1,
"matching": "custom",
"field_name": "Custom_ID",
"skip_triggers": true,
"data": [
"_fname": "Lala",
"_lname": "Doe",
"Custom_ID": 77,
"email": "",
"subscriptions": [
"channel": "email",
"email_data": {
"email": ""
"resource_id": 28,
"custom_fields": {
"custom_field": "test value"
"cats": [
"_fname": "Victor",
"Custom_ID": 88,
"email": ""
<subscriptions array='true'>
<custom_field>test value</custom_field>
Response example
"error": 0,
"error_text": "Successful operation",
"result": [
"error": 0,
"error_text": "Successful operation",
"profile_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"
<error_text>Successful operation</error_text>
<error_text>Successful operation</error_text>
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
error | int | Error code |
error_text | string | Error text |
result | array of object | Update results by profiles The order of the objects in the returned result array repeats the order of the objects in the input data array. |
result.error | int | Error code, for profile |
result.error_text | string | Error text, for profile |
result.profile_id | string | Profile ID |
*The Meta organization, which owns Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp products, has been declared as extremist and banned in Russia.