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Import profile to RabbitMQ


Imports or updates customer profiles via RabbitMQ message broker queue. Useful for extensive data transfers.

You will need a queue named "database_import". Therefore it must be available in the same message broker instance as the rest of the system.

Import results are processed in another queue – "database_import_result". The default queue time-to-live is 24 hours. Although you can reconfigure TTL in main.json configuration file:


Use one of these parameters to identify and match profiles:

  • email
  • field_name, field_value
  • phone
  • profile_id

To identify your requests you can use an extra field – "feedback_id". It will appear in server response and in case mistakes occur – they will be logged in "job_server.log".

Message parameters

account_idint1YesAccount ID
dataJSON object

{    "_fname": "John",    "_lname": "Doe" }

YesProfile fields data
db_idint1YesDatabase ID
feedback_idstring"abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"NoRequest ID
skip_triggersbooltrueNoSkip trigger events.
By default – false
update_onlybooltrueNoOnly update.
By default – false
Profile matching mode
No, if matched by emailProfile matching mode
By default - email
emailstring"""matching":"email"Email address
phonestring"+79000000000""matching":"phone"Phone number
profile_idstring"abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz""matching":"profile_id"Profile ID
field_namestring"CRM_ID""matching":"custom"Custom profile data field name

Custom profile data field value.


Searching by combination of tags is available for tag type profile fields. Values are recorded as a string: "tag-1, tag-2".

resource_idint24NoResource ID for email and phone matching

Message example

"account_id": 1,
"data": {
"_fname": "John",
"_lname": "Doe"
"db_id": 1,
"email": "",
"feedback_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"update_only": true

Response example

"error": 0,
"error_text": "",
"feedback_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz",
"matching_field": "email",
"profile_id": "abcdefghijklmnqrstuvwxyz"

Response parameters

errorintError code
error_textstringError text
feedback_idstringRequest ID
matching_fieldstringProfile matching
profile_idstringProfile ID